Carrément Tarte

Chanced upon sweet offerings by Carrément Tarte at J’aime en Chocolat festival 2015 and I AM HOOKED. Their tarts are beautifully crafted and perfectly made from locally sourced produce without the addition of additives and preservatives.


They have multiple flavours ranging from decadent dark chocolate tarts, zesty lime and coconut, lemon meringue and pecans and nuts .  At the event, i managed to sample Carrément CITRON (lemon meringue) and Carrément CHOCO (chocolate). Immediately, I knew i had to buy some for myself.

What caught my attention first was the quality of the tart base. It was firm but crumbly, sweet but not overly sweet. As a baker myself, this was the way i always wanted my tart base to be but have yet to get perfection out of my recipe.

Carrément CITRON : The perfect balance of sour and sweet lemon pastry cream and soft and gooey meringue left me at a loss for words. This was definitely one of the best lemon meringue tarts i ever had and the standout non-chocolate pastry i had at the event.

Carrément CHOCO: Rich and smooth, the dark (70%) chocolate ganache is any chocolate lover’s dream come true and the perfect pair with their tart base.


Carrément LIME-COCO: This tart filled with lime curd and topped with coconut flakes was definitely a welcoming surprise. It is hard to find a brand that offers such flavours – let alone a brand that does it so well. As with Carrément CITRON, Carrément tarte has managed to find the weight between sweet and sour. The coconut simply lifts up the tang from the lime and adds texture. This was my favourite among all the tarts.


Carrément NOIX: I was told that this was like a pecan tart. My experience with it is an overwhelmingly sweet pastry and topped with pecans that have gone rancid. How wrong was I. I tried a corner of this tart and was blown away by how Carrément Tarte maintained the quality of their tarts. Just the right touch of sweetness and crunch, with a hint of maple syrup Canada is known for.

Look no further for the perfect tart.

They offer savoury pies as well which i have yet to try, but have high hope for. You can find Carrément products as three local delis (visit their website to find out!) or use them for their lunchbox and catering service. Some may find the prices of the tarts a tad too pricey but hey, this is a case of  ‘you pay for what you get‘. This brand continues to impress me as I conduct more research on it.

Do lend them your support! 🙂

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